18 June 2009
Concept of EAG uniform information space approved
The concept of uniform information space of the Eurasian Group on combating money laundering and financing of terrorism (EAG) approved, the statement of the Eurasian Group on combating money laundering and financing of terrorism, following the results of the 10th plenary session taken place on 10 -11 June in St. Petersburg, Russia
11 June 2009
Public statement on the 10th EAG Plenary meeting
On June 10-11, 2009 the 10th EAG Plenary was held in St. Petersburg, Russia
08 June 2009
Consultations with the Parliamentarians of EAG member states were held in St. Petersburg, Russia on June 8, 2009
In the framework of the consultations, the participants from Belarus, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan as well as international experts from the FATF, World Bank, MONEYVAL and CIS Interparliamentary Assembly discussed key issues of adopting AML/CFT legislation and further integration of EAG member states into international AML/CFT system
08 June 2009
The EAG Plenary session has started today in St.Petersburg, Russia
The program of the meetings includes Consultations with Parliamentarians, Working Group Meetings and the 10th EAG Plenary Meeting, which will be held June 10-11 and presided over by the EAG Chairman Oleg Markov
08 June 2009
Trilateral consultations with private sector were held in the framework of the EAG Plenary session
Consultations with private sector were held June 8, 2009 in the framework of the 10th EAG Plenary meeting in trilateral format which included participants from Russia, India and China
03 June 2009
High level EAG Mission and TANA Mission to Tajikistan took place on June 2-3, 2009
The Mission was aimed at providing to Tajikistan assistance in enhancing their AML/CFT activities under the decisions of the 9-th EAG Plenary
29 May 2009
Turkmenistan adopts AML/CFT legislation
Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov signed the law “On anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism” which was prepared by the national Parliament on his request
26 May 2009
Kyrgyz FIU joins Egmont
The Financial Intelligence Service of Kyrgyzstan became a member of the Egmont Group which unites the FIUs of 116 countries
22 May 2009
On the 3rd EAG training seminar for evaluators
The 3rd EAG training seminar for evaluators was held in Kyiv, Ukraine on May 18-22, 2009. The training was based on the 40+9 FATF recommendations and FATF evaluation methodology of national AML/CFT systems’ compliance with international standards