Brief information about the expert:
- Full name: Aziz Abasov
- Country: Republic of Uzbekistan
- Organization: Joint Stock Innovation Commercial Bank "Ipak Yuli"
- Education: Specialist's Degree, Master's Degree
- Specialization: Finance
- Expert area: Experience of participation in mutual evaluations of national AML/CFT systems; Experience in supervisory authorities, in particular in conducting on-site AML/CFT inspections.
- Language skills: Russian - intermediate; English - fluent.
- Brief description of experience in the AML/CFT field: Not specified.
Brief information about the expert:
- Full name: Esendik Musabekov
- Country: Kyrgyz Republic
- Organization: Private person
- Education: Specialist's Degree, Master's Degree
- Specialization: Law enforcement activity
- Expert area: Experience of participation in mutual evaluations of national AML/CFT systems; Experience of participation in conducting NRA of ML/TF; Experience in FIU, in particular, analysis of STRs and financial transactions, as well as preparation of analytical reports; Experience in law enforcement bodies; Experience in international cooperation (including FIU, law enforcement or supervisory authorities).
- Language skills: Russian - fluent; English - limited.
- Brief description of experience in the AML/CFT field: From May 2007 to July 2020, worked in various positions in the Kyrgyz FIU. As part of his work, has been involved in all major profile areas of the AML/CFT system, including strategic analysis and risk assessment. Has the necessary knowledge and skills in identifying, freezing, seizing, confiscating, and recovering stolen assets. Coordinated the national AML/CFT risk assessment and took part in the development of its methodology. Actively participated in the activities of the EAG working groups, presented the developments of the regional group at high-level international events at venues of FATF, UNCTC, UNODC, OSCE, etc.
Brief information about the expert:
- Full name: Andrei Borichevsky
- Country: Republic of Belarus
- Organization: Private person
- Education: Specialist's Degree, Master's Degree
- Specialization: Economics
- Expert area: Experience of participation in mutual evaluations of national AML/CFT systems; Experience of participation in conducting NRA of ML/TF; Experience in FIU, in particular, analysis of STRs and financial transactions, as well as preparation of analytical reports; Experience in international cooperation (including FIU, law enforcement or supervisory authorities).
- Language skills: Russian - fluent; English - fluent.
- Brief description of experience in the AML/CFT field: From July 2016 to September 2020, worked as the Head of the Coordination and International Cooperation Department of the Financial Monitoring Department of the State Control Committee of the Republic of Belarus (FIU). Since January 2021, individual entrepreneurs providing AML/CFT consulting services. During his work in the FIU, he coordinated interaction with state bodies and international organizations (EAG, Egmont Group) on AML/CFT issues, ensured information exchange with foreign FIUs, coordinated analysis of STRs on cross-border movement of funds and FIU anti-money laundering activities, coordinated activities of national and international interagency working groups, coordinated amendments to the national AML/CFT legislation, coordinated preparation for signing international agreements as well as conducting training events for government agencies and the private sector, including as a lecturer. Analyzed STRs for cross-border crimes and prepared initiative reports to law enforcement agencies.
During his tenure at FIU, made a significant personal contribution to the organization and conduct of a national ML/TF risk assessment. Ensured the development of NRA methodology, coordinated activities of working groups for preparing the NRA outcomes report, ensured the development and adoption of the National Plan for mitigating the identified risks, as well as control over its implementation; coordinated mutual evaluation of the AML system of the Republic of Belarus. Ensured preparation of specialists of state bodies and private sector of the Republic of Belarus for the mutual evaluation, conducted general coordination of interaction between state bodies of the Republic of Belarus and EAG assessors, coordinated implementation of the Key Evaluation Activities Schedule, including preparation and submission to assessors the necessary documents and comments on draft reports; coordinated activity of working groups of the EAG and CIS Council of Heads of Financial Intelligence Units on the issues under consideration. Participated in the regional ML/TF risk assessment project; took part in the preparation of guidelines for the private sector of the Republic of Belarus on detection of financial transactions related to terrorist financing and financial transactions involving public officials. Member of the AML/CFT system assessment team of Turkmenistan.
Brief information about the expert:
- Full name: Danny Sougith
- Country: United Kingdom
- Organization: Private person
- Education: Specialist's or Master's degree
- Specialization: Law
- Expert area: Experience of participation in mutual evaluations of national AML/CFT systems; Experience of participation in conducting NRA of ML/TF; Experience in FIU, in particular, analysis of STRs and financial transactions, as well as preparation of analytical reports; Experience in law enforcement bodies, including; Experience in prosecutor's supervision of preliminary judicial proceedings in criminal cases, inquest, and intelligence activity, as well as the legitimacy of criminal proceedings in courts, the validity and legality of court decisions in criminal cases; Experience in supervisory authorities, in particular in conducting on-site AML/CFT inspections; Experience in international cooperation (including FIU, law enforcement, or supervisory authorities).
- Language skills: Russian - limited; English - fluent.
- Brief description of experience in the AML/CFT field: Virtual Assets and Virtual Asset Service Providers, Human Trafficking risk assessment, Commercial Banks AML/CFT experience.

Brief information about the expert:
- Full name: Ayat Kirbashev
- Country: Kyrgyz Republic
- Organization: State Financial Intelligence Service under the Ministry of finance of the Kyrgyz Republic
- Education: Specialist's Degree, Master's Degree
- Specialization: Law
- Expert area: Experience in FIU, in particular, analysis of STRs and financial transactions, as well as preparation of analytical reports; Experience in law enforcement bodies; Experience in international cooperation (including FIU, law enforcement, or supervisory authorities).
- Language skills: Russian - fluent; English - intermediate.
- Brief description of experience in the AML/CFT field: The authorized person for prevention of corruption in State Financial Intelligence Service. Functional duties: development of regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic in the field of combating money laundering and terrorist financing; coordination of state body activities to implement anti-corruption policy; development of proposals for the implementation of measures to prevent corruption; monitoring criminal legislation, preparation of analytical reports.
Brief information about the expert:
- Full name: Angelica Khadanovich
- Country: Republic of Belarus
- Organization: National bank of the Republic of Belarus
- Education: Specialist's Degree, Master's Degree
- Specialization: Finance
- Expert area: Experience of participation in mutual evaluations of national AML/CFT systems; Experience of participation in conducting NRA of ML/TF; Experience in supervisory authorities, in particular in conducting on-site AML/CFT inspections; Experience in international cooperation (including FIU, law enforcement or supervisory authorities).
- Language skills: Russian - fluent; English - intermediate.
- Brief description of experience in the AML/CFT field: Experience in AML/CFT since 2004. Participation in mutual evaluations of the EAG Member States as expert-analyst (Republic of Tajikistan), financial expert-assessor (Republic of Uzbekistan). Participation in national and regional risk assessments, arranging sectoral risk assessments by the National Bank. Participation in the mutual evaluation of the Republic of Belarus, and defending the Report at the EAG Plenary meeting. Preparation, negotiation, and implementation of international agreements on the cooperation of supervisory authorities. Participation in the international and interagency working groups, joint projects, conferences, FATF, and EAG studies. Provision of organizational and methodological work in the AML/CFT field, transposition of the FATF international standards into national legislation, identification of approaches to new financial market participants and new technologies, their implementation into the national AML/CFT system. Organization of risk-oriented supervision (control), interaction with international organizations, state bodies, and relevant associations, building an effective AML/CFT system. Experience in implementing internal control rules in a bank and direct participation in inspections of banks. Participation in training seminars for supervisory authorities and the private sector, publication of analytical articles.

Brief information about the expert:
- Full name: Daniil Burda
- Country: Russian Federation
- Organization: Rosfinmonitoring
- Education: Specialist degree, Master's Degree
- Specialization: Law
- Expert area: Experience of participation in mutual evaluations of national AML/CFT systems; Experience in international cooperation (including FIU, law enforcement, or supervisory authorities).
- Language skills: Russian - fluent; English - fluent.
- Brief description of experience in the AML/CFT field: Coordinated preparation of the Russian Federation for the FATF mutual evaluation on Immediate Outcome 5. Participated in the mutual evaluations of FATF and EAG Member States. His main duties in the current position are legal support and preparation of the position of the Russian Federation at various international platforms, including the UN, FATF, EAG, MONEYVAL, OECD, and others. Development of normative legal acts, including draft federal laws, acts of the President and the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as departmental normative legal acts.
Brief information about the expert:
- Full name: Bakytbek Alisherov
- Country: Kyrgyz Republic
- Organization: Private person
- Education: Specialist degree, Master's Degree
- Specialization: Law
- Expert area: Experience of participation in conducting NRA of ML/TF; Experience in law enforcement authorities; Experience in international cooperation (including FIU, law enforcement, or supervisory authorities).
- Language skills: Russian - fluent; English - fluent.
- Brief description of experience in the AML/CFT field: Since 2005, he coordinated projects with the U.S. Treasury to prevent money laundering through the use of fraudulent documents in the field of customs legislation. He was a member of the interagency working group on bringing the national customs legislation in compliance with the international AML/CFT standards. In 2011, he was the head of the interagency group on harmonization of the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic in accordance with the legal acts of the Eurasian Economic Union countries. Since 2018 he has been the head of the Training and Methodological Center of the FIU of Kyrgyzstan, where he has been training the personnel of state bodies in the AML/CFT field and reporting entities.
The main topics of training are Risk-based approach; Risk-based supervision; Risk-based control; Criteria for suspicious transactions; Corruption risks in organizations; Initial and state financial monitoring; Regional and national risk assessment; Initial financial investigation by compliance control services; Key risks in transactions with virtual assets, etc. He is the reviewer of the textbook "Features of the national AML/CFT system of the Kyrgyz Republic".Starting from 2019, I am the Deputy Chairman of the State Attestation Commission at the Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University in the Kyrgyz Republic in the field of "Accounting and Audit".
Brief information about the expert:
- Full name: Anna Iglikova
- Country: Republic of Belarus
- Organization: General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Belarus
- Education: Specialist degree, Master's Degree
- Specialization: law enforcement
- Expert area: Experience of participation in mutual evaluations of national AML/CFT systems; Experience of participation in conducting NRA of ML/TF; Experience in prosecutor's supervision of preliminary judicial proceedings in criminal cases, inquest, and intelligence activity, as well as the legitimacy of criminal proceedings in courts, the validity and legality of court decisions in criminal cases.
- Language skills: Russian - fluent; English - intermediate.
- Brief description of experience in the AML/CFT field: Since 2015, participation as a member of the Belarusian delegation in the events of the EAG Plenary meetings, including the defense of the 5th report on the progress of the Republic of Belarus in the procedures for withdrawal from monitoring, defense of the report on the mutual evaluation of the "anti-money laundering system" of the Republic of Belarus. Participation in the national ML/TF risk assessment. Development of draft laws on amendments and additions to the Criminal and Criminal Procedure Codes of the Republic of Belarus and other normative legal acts in order to implement international AML/CFT standards in the national legislation, a departmental normative legal act regulating issues of prosecutor's supervision of compliance with AML/CFT legislation. Participation in the mutual evaluation of the Republic of Uzbekistan as an expert assessor of the EAG.
Brief information about the expert:
- Full name: Saadat Kolbaeva
- Country: Kyrgyz Republic
- Organization: teacher in the Training and Methodology Center of the State Financial Intelligence Service of the Kyrgyz Republic
- Education: Specialist degree, Master's Degree
- Specialization: Finance
- Expert area: Experience of participation in conducting NRA of ML/TF; Experience in international cooperation (including FIU, law enforcement, or supervisory authorities).
- Language skills: Russian - fluent English - fluent.
- Brief description of experience in the AML/CFT field: Experience in developing courses and teaching in the field of AML/CFT at the Training and Methodological Center of the State Financial Intelligence Service under the Ministry of finance of the Kyrgyz Republic, co-author of the textbook "Features of national AML/CFT systems of the Eurasian region (Volume 2. the Kyrgyz Republic)", textbook edited by Dr. of Economics, Professor M. Israilov - Bishkek-Moscow, 2019, experience in FIU of the Kyrgyz Republic, in particular in conducting the first ML risk assessment in the Kyrgyz Republic.
Brief information about the expert:
- Full name: Eduard Amroyan
- Country: Russian Federation
- Organization: Eurasian Economic Commission
- Education: Specialist degree, Master's Degree
- Specialization: Law
- Expert area: Experience in FIU, in particular, analysis of STRs and financial transactions, as well as preparation of analytical reports; Experience in supervisory authorities, in particular in conducting on-site AML/CFT inspections; Experience in international cooperation (including FIU, law enforcement or supervisory authorities).
- Language skills: Russian - fluent; English - intermediate.
- Brief description of experience in the AML/CFT field: More than 10 years of experience in the AML/CFT field in financial institutions, of which more than 4 years in a managerial position (Central Bank of the Republic of Armenia, a commercial bank), including Development of regulatory legal acts for financial institutions; Development of relevant AML/CFT legislation, Regulations, and Guidelines; Coordination and cooperation with relevant authorized national and foreign bodies; Coordination and cooperation with financial intelligence units; Coordination and management, as well as ensuring the implementation of powers and responsibilities in the financial sphere and AML/CFT.

Brief information about the expert:
- Full name: Kirill Groshikov
- Country: Russian Federation
- Organization: Rosfinmonitoring
- Education: Academic degree
- Specialization: Law
- Expert area: Experience of participation in mutual evaluations of national AML/CFT systems; Experience in international cooperation (including FIU, law enforcement, or supervisory authorities).
- Language skills: Russian - fluent; English - intermediate.
- Brief description of experience in the AML/CFT field: Not specified.
Brief information about the expert:
- Full name: Ivan Uvarov
- Country: Russian Federation
- Organization: Private person
- Education: Specialist degree, Master's Degree
- Specialization: Law enforcement
- Expert area: Experience of participation in mutual evaluations of national AML/CFT systems; Experience in FIU, in particular, analysis of STRs and financial transactions, as well as preparation of analytical reports; Experience in international cooperation (including FIU, law enforcement, or supervisory authorities); Other.
- Language skills: Russian - fluent; English - fluent.
- Brief description of experience in the AML/CFT field: Two years of experience at the FATF Secretariat as an AML/CFT policy development expert. Experience in supporting mutual evaluations, participating in ICRG on-site missions, and conducting typology projects, including trade-based money laundering and terrorist financing. More than 10 years of experience in FIU in various positions, including financial investigations of money laundering and terrorist financing, international cooperation, and development of best practices.

Brief information about the expert:
- Full name: Anastasia Shuvalova
- Country: Russian Federation
- Organization: Rosfinmonitoring
- Education: Academic degree
- Specialization: Law
- Expert area: Experience in FIU, in particular, analysis of STRs and financial transactions, as well as preparation of analytical reports; Other.
- Language skills: Russian - fluent; English - intermediate.
- Brief description of experience in the AML/CFT field: Development and legal support of normative legal acts of different levels ranging from departmental orders as well as a draft of federal laws to implement the Action Plan for the implementation of the FATF recommendations by the Russian Federation made on the basis of the results of the 4th round of mutual evaluations.
Brief information about the expert:
- Full name: Alexey Fomichev
- Country: Russian Federation
- Organization: General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation
- Education: Specialist degree, Master's Degree
- Specialization: Law enforcement
- Expert area: Experience of participation in mutual evaluations of national AML/CFT systems; Experience of participation in conducting NRA of ML/TF; Experience in law enforcement authorities; Experience in prosecutor's supervision of preliminary judicial proceedings in criminal cases, inquest, and intelligence activity, as well as the legitimacy of criminal proceedings in courts, the validity and legality of court decisions in criminal cases; Experience in international cooperation (including FIU, law enforcement or supervisory authorities).
- Language skills: Russian - fluent; English - limited.
- Brief description of experience in the AML/CFT field: Has more than 12 years of experience in law enforcement and more than 6 years on issues related to AML/CFT. Participated in regional and national ML/TF risk assessments, in the 4th round of mutual evaluations of the Russian Federation as a representative of the Investigative Committee of Russia (was engaged in the assessment of TC, IO 2, 7, 8, 9) and in the mutual evaluation of the EAG Member States as an expert-assessor. Has experience in operational work on the investigation, implementation of information, and analytical and organizational work on ML/TF prosecution and prosecutorial supervision, including law enforcement and anti-corruption, investigative and prosecutorial activities in the framework of international cooperation.
Participated in the activities on the implementation of international standards in the AML/CFT field and anti-corruption. Has experience in developing regulations to improve criminal, criminal procedure, anti-money laundering, counterterrorism, and anti-corruption legislation, as well as the departmental regulatory framework in the relevant areas. Has experience in implementing and coordinating interagency cooperation, including with the FIU. Conducted training seminars with civil servants, including those from foreign countries, as well as students of Russian universities on AML/CFT topics.
Brief information about the expert:
- Full name: Rukhshona Mukhamadova
- Country: Republic of Tajikistan
- Organization: OJSC "Orienbank"
- Education: Specialist degree, Master's Degree
- Specialization: Specialist in financial and economic security
- Expert area: Experience of participation in mutual evaluations of national AML/CFT systems; Experience of participation in conducting NRA of ML/TF; Experience in FIU, in particular, analysis of STRs and financial transactions, as well as preparation of analytical reports; Experience in supervisory authorities, in particular in conducting on-site AML/CFT inspections; Experience in international cooperation (including FIU, law enforcement or supervisory authorities).
- Language skills: Russian - fluent; English - fluent.
- Brief description of experience in the AML/CFT field: In 2013, she graduated with a red diploma from the National Research Nuclear University (IFTES NRNU MEPhI). From September 2013 to October 2017 - leading specialist in the Analysis and Research Division of the Financial Monitoring Department at the National Bank of Tajikistan (FIU of Tajikistan). From January 2019 to the present - a specialist in the Financial Monitoring and Compliance Service at OJSC "Orienbank".
Brief information about the expert:
- Full name: Alexander Krotov
- Country: Russian Federation
- Organization: Rosfinmonitoring
- Education: Specialist degree, Master's Degree
- Specialization: Economics, business informatics
- Expert area: Experience in FIU, in particular, analysis of STRs and financial transactions, as well as preparation of analytical reports; Experience in international cooperation (including FIU, law enforcement, or supervisory authorities).
- Language skills: Russian - fluent; English - intermediate.
- Brief description of experience in the AML/CFT field: More than 6 years of experience at FIU in various positions, including financial investigations related to money laundering, including the use of cryptocurrencies, international cooperation, and development of best practices. Interaction with law enforcement and other state authorities on the issue of digital currency market regulation and development of approaches to counteract their use in criminal activity. Has the necessary knowledge and skills in identifying criminal assets.
Brief information about the expert:
- Full name: Elizaveta Churilina
- Country: Russian Federation
- Organization: Private person
- Education: Specialist degree, Master's Degree
- Specialization: Law
- Expert area: Experience of participation in mutual evaluations of national AML/CFT systems; Experience in FIU, in particular, analysis of STRs and financial transactions, as well as preparation of analytical reports; Experience in international cooperation (including FIU, law enforcement, or supervisory authorities).
- Language skills: Russian - fluent; English - fluent.
- Brief description of experience in the AML/CFT field: Expert on international cooperation in combating money laundering and terrorist financing (AML/CFT) with legal background and experience in interagency cooperation. Key areas of work: Development of strategic documents on bilateral and multilateral cooperation; Participation in international projects and research; member of the Russian delegation to the FATF and MONEYVAL.
Brief information about the expert:
- Full name: Sofia Aysagalieva
- Country: Republic of Kazakhstan
- Organization: Private person
- Education: Academic degree
- Specialization: Finance
- Expert area: Experience of participation in mutual evaluations of national AML/CFT systems; Experience of participation in conducting NRA of ML/TF; Experience in FIU, in particular, analysis of STRs and financial transactions, as well as preparation of analytical reports; Experience in law enforcement authorities; Experience in public prosecution of criminal cases in courts; Experience in international cooperation (including FIU, law enforcement or supervisory authorities).
- Language skills: Russian - fluent; English - fluent.
- Brief description of experience in the AML/CFT field: Participation in the development of the EAG Agreement, preparation of documents on joining the Egmont Group, participation in the defense of MER and FUR, development of draft laws in the AML/CFT sphere, conducting national risk assessment, development of typologies, development of guidelines for RBA application, development of operational and tactical analysis rules, requirements to internal control rules, FATF standards compliance assessment.
Brief information about the expert:
- Full name: Ivan Benedis
- Country: Republic of Belarus
- Organization: Financial Monitoring Department of the State Control Committee of the Republic of Belarus
- Education: Bachelor, Master, Postgraduate
- Specialization: Finance
- Expert area: Experience of participation in mutual evaluations of national AML/CFT systems; Experience of participation in conducting NRA of ML/TF; Experience in FIU, in particular, analysis of STRs and financial transactions, as well as preparation of analytical reports; Experience in international cooperation (including FIU, law enforcement or supervisory authorities).
- Language skills: Russian - fluent; English - fluent.
- Brief description of experience in the AML/CFT field: More than 5 years of AML/CFT experience (since 2016 in the FIU of Belarus, analytical unit), more than 3 years of experience in the private sector (2012-2015, coordination and development in a private bank). Conducting strategic and operational analysis of STRs and financial flows for ML/TF. Conducting international information exchange with foreign FIUs. Member of the working group under Council of Heads of Financial Intelligence Units of the Member States CIS (SRPFR) and international financial intelligence group under Egmont Group. Participated in various international projects and researches. Participated in mutual evaluation of the national AML/CFT system of the Republic of Belarus. Conducting training seminars and consultations for the private sector on AML/CFT issues. Holds a Certificate of Expert Evaluator, Scrum Master.
Brief information about the expert:
- Full name: Kuanysh Akhmetov
- Country: Republic of Kazakhstan
- Organization: Financial Monitoring Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Education: Bachelor's Degree
- Specialization: Law enforcement
- Expert area: Experience of participation in mutual evaluations of national AML/CFT systems; Experience of participation in conducting NRA of ML/TF; Experience in FIU, in particular, analysis of STRs and financial transactions, as well as preparation of analytical reports; Experience in law enforcement authorities; Experience in international cooperation (including FIU, law enforcement or supervisory authorities).
- Language skills: Russian - fluent; English - limited.
- Brief description of experience in the AML/CFT field: In the period from 2016-2019, was the head of the unit for combating the financing of terrorism in the internal affairs bodies. During this period, attended the course on countering the financing of terrorism and conducting financial investigations (Vienna, Austria) under the OSCE program. In the period of 2019-2020 was a national trainer on countering the financing of terrorism, delivered lectures in the course organized by the UNODC (Aliaksandr Vadziany) on the use of hawala in the financing of terrorism. In the period from 2019-2020 while working in the FIU of Kazakhstan developed an interagency decree on the interaction of law enforcement and special state bodies with the FIU, prepared methodological recommendations for financial investigations, and sent them to the territorial units, as well as to law enforcement and special state bodies. Attended training courses organized by the OSCE, EAG, Rosfinmonitoring, and ITMCFM.
Participated in Rosfinmonitoring's international project to create an "International Risk Assessment Center". From 2020-2021 participated in the national ML/TF risk assessment, personally wrote the section on TF and PF risks in the NRA of Kazakhstan. As part of Kazakhstan's preparation for the second round of EAG mutual evaluation for compliance with international AML/CFT standards, was included in the composition of Financial Monitoring Advisors to provide technical support to state bodies and the private sector in completing the technical compliance and effectiveness questionnaire, as well as outreach to the private sector.
Brief information about the expert:
- Full name: Tahmina Zakirova
- Country: Republic of Tajikistan
- Organization: Not applicable
- Education: Specialist degree, Master's Degree
- Specialization: Finance
- Expert area: Experience of participation in mutual evaluations of national AML/CFT systems; Experience of participation in conducting NRA of ML/TF; Experience in FIU, in particular, analysis of STRs and financial transactions, as well as preparation of analytical reports; Experience in supervisory authorities, in particular in conducting on-site AML/CFT inspections; Experience in international cooperation (including FIU, law enforcement or supervisory authorities).
- Language skills: Russian - fluent; English - fluent.
- Brief description of experience in the AML/CFT field: More than 10 years of AML/CFT experience: Participation in the formation and improvement of the national AML/CFT system; Coordination of the national ML/TF risk assessment; Direct participation in the mutual evaluation of states (as an expert assessor and as a representative of the assessed state); Interaction with specialized international organizations in the framework of technical assistance projects (as an employee of the EAG Secretariat and states).
Brief information about the expert:
- Full name: Andrea Garzon
- Country: Colombia
- Organization: Private person
- Education: Specialist's or Master's degree
- Specialization: MA on Transnational Organised Crime
- Expert area: Experience of participation in mutual evaluations of national AML/CFT systems; Experience of participation in conducting NRA of ML/TF; Experience in FIU, in particular, analysis of STRs and financial transactions, as well as preparation of analytical reports; Experience in international cooperation (including FIU, law enforcement, or supervisory authorities).
- Language skills: Russian - limited; English - fluent.
- Brief description of experience in the AML/CFT field: I have provided extensive technical assistance to Latin American countries to strengthen their AML/CFT capacities, including support for the development of national risk assessments. I have long-standing experience in delivering training to governments and the private sector on the FATF Recommendations and Methodology. I worked for the Financial Action Task Force of Latin America – GAFILAT, where she led AML/CFT country assessments on the implementation of the FATF Recommendations. Andrea also served as the Secretariat of GAFILAT’s Asset Recovery Interagency Network (RRAG) and she delivered various projects on AML/CFT, including developing typologies papers, and regional cross-border transportation of currency exercises.
Previous to her position in GAFILAT, Andrea worked for United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) at the field office in Bogota – Colombia on projects aiming to strengthen the legal and judicial capacities to criminalize ML/FT in Colombia and other Latin American countries. Currently, I am an international consultant supporting governments and international organizations to develop projects related to the implementation of FATF standards. During the last two years, I supported countries in Europe and the Middle East, in addition to Latin American countries.
Brief information about the expert:
- Full name: Tatiana Evdokimova
- Country: Russian Federation
- Organization: Private person
- Education: Specialist degree, Master's Degree
- Specialization: Law
- Expert area: Experience in law enforcement authorities; Experience in international cooperation (including FIU, law enforcement, or supervisory authorities).
- Language skills: Russian - fluent; English - intermediate.
- Brief description of experience in the AML/CFT field: More than 25 years of experience in various positions in investigative bodies of law enforcement authorities of the Russian Federation, including: conducting investigations related to ML from drug trafficking and financial crimes; conducting investigations related to the detection and recovery of criminal assets; experience in information, analytical, methodological and forensic support to investigative bodies, including the investigation of particularly important criminal cases of crimes of interregional and international nature; international cooperation in criminal proceedings, including in cases involving ML and financial crimes; cooperation with the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation on prosecutorial supervision of the investigation of particularly important criminal cases, international cooperation in criminal proceedings and legal statistics; cooperation at the national level with the FIU, judicial and AML/CFT supervisory authorities, with government agencies and corporations on the detection and assets recovery ; has experience in drafting legislation and preparing proposals to improve the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of criminal law policy, analysis of problems of its enforcement.
In the period of 2018-2022 in the Central Asian Regional Information Coordination Center (CARICC), has been dealing with monitoring and researching international anti-drug and AML laws, national criminal law systems and criminal procedures of several countries, specifics of VAs and VASPs regulation, countering cybercrime and financial investigations related to VAs and blockchain analytics; interaction at the international level with the FIU, competent authorities of foreign states on AML/CFT issues, as well as international and regional organizations and structures: EAG, UNODC, Analytical Support and Sanctions Monitoring Team 1267 and 1988 UN Security Council (on AML/CFT issues), ATC CIS and SCO RATS anti-terrorist structures (on AML/CFT issues), WCO, OSCE, etc.
Experienced in studying and monitoring new financial market participants and new financial technologies, the field of VAs and VASPs, ML risk assessment from drug trafficking, and other predicate crimes using VAs and VASPs. Has extensive knowledge in the field of financial markets and securities market. Participated in international and interagency working groups, projects, conferences, and EAG typology studies. Has advanced knowledge of the transnational organized crime, national security, customs, etc. Experience in organizing and conducting training seminars, training for competent authorities and FIUs on AML/CFT issues, preparation of information and analytical reports, reviews, and studies on AML/CFT issues, including detection of financial flows and confiscation of assets of transnational organized crime. Experience in database administration and information and analytical activities.
Brief information about the expert:
- Full name: Majidi Umedjon
- Country: Republic of Tajikistan
- Organization: Private person
- Education: Academic degree
- Specialization: combating corruption and drug trafficking, public administration, and research
- Expert area: Experience in international cooperation (including FIU, law enforcement, or supervisory authorities).
- Language skills: Russian - fluent; English - fluent.
- Brief description of experience in the AML/CFT field: Expertise and experience in the AML/CFT field (e.g., combatting drug trafficking and corruption, knowledge of the Wolfsberg Group principles, KYC, and practices for identifying PEPs).
Brief information about the expert:
- Full name: Sardor Ikramov
- Country: Republic of Uzbekistan
- Organization: Department for Combating Economic Crimes under the Office of the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Uzbekistan
- Education: Specialist degree, Master's Degree
- Specialization: Finance, law enforcement
- Expert area: Experience of participation in mutual evaluations of national AML/CFT systems; Experience of participation in conducting NRA of ML/TF; Experience in FIU, in particular, analysis of STRs and financial transactions, as well as preparation of analytical reports; Experience in law enforcement authorities; Experience in international cooperation (including FIU, law enforcement or supervisory authorities).
- Language skills: Russian - fluent; English - intermediate.
- Brief description of experience in the AML/CFT field: Conducting financial analysis at the operational and strategic levels; Conducting financial investigations both spontaneously and at the request of other law enforcement authorities; Submitting and reviewing international requests as part of financial investigations; Participating in interagency task forces created to investigate particularly grave and multi-episode cases; Participating in drafting AML/CFT/PF laws and regulations; Conducting seminars and trainings for law enforcement authorities, supervisory authorities and reporting entities.
Brief information about the expert:
- Full name: Denis Kunev
- Country: Russian Federation
- Organization: General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation
- Education: Academic degree
- Specialization: Law enforcement
- Expert area: Experience of participation in mutual evaluations of national AML/CFT systems; Experience of participation in conducting NRA of ML/TF; Experience in law enforcement authorities; Experience in public prosecution of criminal cases in courts; Experience in prosecutor's supervision of preliminary judicial proceedings in criminal cases, inquest, and intelligence activity, as well as the legitimacy of criminal proceedings in courts, the validity and legality of court decisions in criminal cases; Experience in international cooperation (including FIU, law enforcement or supervisory authorities).
- Language skills: Russian - fluent; English - fluent.
- Brief description of experience in the AML/CFT field: Experience in prosecution and investigation since 2002. Has been involved in the investigation and prosecution of a number of high-profile corruption and economic criminal cases, including in the AML/CFT sphere. Experience in informational, analytical and organizational work on ML/TF prosecutions and prosecutor's supervision, including the procedural activities of investigative bodies and operational and investigative activities.
More than 10 years of experience as a UN and Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) government expert for the Russian Federation on the implementation of the UN Convention against Corruption and the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions, participated in working groups of the Presidium of the Presidential Council of the Russian Federation on Combating Corruption on joint participation in combating corruption of the business community and public authorities, to ensure the participation of the Russian Federation in international anti-corruption cooperation, interagency working groups under the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation on combating corruption and combating crimes in the banking sector, the Expert Group under Rosfinmonitoring on combating illegal financial transactions, the Interagency Commission on combating money laundering and financing of terrorism.
Since 2014, has represented the Russian Federation in the Asia-Pacific Economic Community (APEC) Regional Network of Law Enforcement and Anti-Corruption Agencies. Since 2016, has been an expert at the Research Center for International Cooperation in Corruption Tracking and Asset Recovery of the G20 at Beijing Normal University. Since 2020 - Member of the Governmental delegation of the Russian Federation on ensuring participation in the activities of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and FATF-style groups (Eurasian Group on Combating Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism, EAG assessor (experience of evaluation of the Republic of Kazakhstan). Participated in regional and national ML/TF risk assessments, events related to the Russian Federation's 4th round of FATF mutual evaluations as a representative of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.
Conducts scientific research in the areas of combating corruption, money laundering and other economic crimes, criminal use of cryptocurrencies and other virtual assets, has authored more than 50 scientific and practical papers on criminal law, criminal procedure, criminalistics and financial and legal aspects of combating crime, including the MGIMO textbook "Return of criminal assets from abroad: theory and practice", the ITMCFM monograph "Legal basis and methodology of cross-border rose Teaches at the International Training and Methodology Center for Financial Monitoring (ITMCFM), the Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia (MGIMO), the Kutafin Moscow State Law University, and the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), and the Higher School of Economics.
Brief information about the expert:
- Full name: Evgeny Mozgov
- Country: Russian Federation
- Organization: NPO Western Union DP Vostok LLC
- Education: Specialist degree, Master's Degree
- Specialization: Law enforcement
- Expert area: Experience of participation in mutual evaluations of national AML/CFT systems; Experience of participation in conducting NRA of ML/TF; Experience in FIU, in particular, analysis of STRs and financial transactions, as well as preparation of analytical reports; Experience in international cooperation (including FIU, law enforcement or supervisory authorities).
- Language skills: Russian - fluent; English - fluent.
- Brief description of experience in the AML/CFT field: In 15 years of my AML/CFT career, I have worked for Rosfinmonitoring from a trainee to the head of one of its key analytical departments - the Risk Assessment Department. Since September 2021, I have been the Director of the Financial Monitoring Department at Western Union in Russia. In 2019, I participated in the procedures for the mutual evaluation of the Russian AML/CFT system by international assessors and led the team responsible for issues related to the CFT, in particular Immediate Outcomes (IO) 9 and 10, as well as a significant part of IO 1 and IO 6.
In 2017-2018, a small team under my leadership conducted a National Risk Assessment of Terrorist Financing and, together with experts from the Russian Ministry of Justice, conducted a Risk Assessment of Terrorist Financing Using the Non-Profit Sector. Over the years of my career, the initiatives proposed by me have often become regulations, and consequently the rules of operation for the entire Russian AML/CFT sector, including both in the main AML/CFT law (115-FZ of 07.08.2001), and in the Bank of Russia regulations and in typology reports posted in personal accounts on the Rosfinmonitoring website.
My experience as co-chair of the Working Group on Typologies in the Eurasian Group on combating money laundering and terrorism financing from May 2021 till August 2021 allows me to keep up with all current trends of AML/CFT in the Eurasian region. In addition, active interaction with the private sector has allowed me to build working contacts with managers and AML/CFT specialists.
Brief information about the expert:
- Full name: Timur Mussin
- Country: Republic of Kazakhstan
- Organization: Private person
- Education: Specialist degree, Master's Degree
- Specialization: Finance
- Expert area: Not specified
- Language skills: Russian - fluent; English - intermediate.
- Brief description of experience in the AML/CFT field: Headed compliance departments at a bank holding company, banks, managers (venture capital investment), brokerage, leasing and fintech companies. Creation and development of compliance systems for more than 20 different organizations. Was a member of various committees and working groups to implement AML/CFT and compliance requirements in Kazakhstan. Lecturer of the national AML/CFT certification program, lecturer at the Academy of Law at the International Financial Center in Astana. One of the Influencers in the field of compliance in the former Soviet Union (numerous articles, blogs, speeches at conferences and forums, mentoring programs to promote compliance and anti-corruption culture), member of the International Compliance Council. Currently Director of Compliance and Ethics at a large fintech group.
Brief information about the expert:
- Full name: Muhammad Nabeel
- Country: United Arab Emirates
- Organization: Compliance World
- Education:Bachelor's degree
- Specialization: Finance
- Expert area: Experience of participation in mutual evaluations of national AML/CFT systems; Experience of participation in conducting NRA of ML/TF; Experience in FIU, in particular, analysis of STRs and financial transactions, as well as preparation of analytical reports; Experience in law enforcement authorities; Experience in public prosecution of criminal cases in courts; Experience in prosecutor's supervision of preliminary judicial proceedings in criminal cases, inquest and intelligence activity, as well as the legitimacy of criminal proceedings in courts, the validity and legality of court decisions in criminal cases; Experience in supervisory authorities, in particular in conducting on-site AML/CFT inspections; Experience in international cooperation (including FIU, law enforcement or supervisory authorities).
- Language skills: Russian - limited; English - fluent.
- Brief description of experience in the AML/CFT field: An experienced Regulatory & AML/CFT compliance officer having extensive senior management experience of over a decade working with reputed Regulators and major Financial Institutions around the globe with a strong emphasis on anti-money laundering (AML/CFT) compliance related issues. Capable of formulating and implementing Regulatory and Enforcement framework for the financial services sector especially for money exchange and money transfer industry.
Skilled to formulate Laws, Regulations, Rules and Guidelines for financial services industry focusing on AML/CFT compliance in accordance with international standards and FATF recommendations. An expert in designing and implementing Regulatory and AML/CFT compliance programs and capable of conducting an independent review of compliance function of any financial institution. Capable to manage complex IT projects on money transfer/foreign exchange POS systems, sanction screening systems, AML monitoring tools and e-learning tools for AML/CFT compliance. Always seeking opportunities to increase professional knowledge and expertise, especially by way of working in new jurisdictions having stringent regulations. Possess strong determination to execute complex projects and carry out complicated tasks related to the financial service industry.
Brief information about the expert:
- Full name: Saltanat Kusherbayeva
- Country: Republic of Kazakhstan
- Organization: Financial Monitoring Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Education: Bachelor's Degree
- Specialization: Law enforcement
- Expert area: Experience of participation in mutual evaluations of national AML/CFT systems; Experience in law enforcement authorities; Experience in international cooperation (including FIU, law enforcement or supervisory authorities).
- Language skills: Russian - fluent; English - intermediate.
- Brief description of experience in the AML/CFT field: More than 17 years of experience in various positions in investigative departments of the Financial Monitoring Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan, including investigation of economic and corruption crimes related to money laundering. Experience in information and analytical, methodological support of activity of territorial departments. Development of relevant AML/CFT legislation, regulations and guidelines. Participated in preparation of Kazakhstan for mutual evaluation on Immediate outcomes 7 and 8.
Brief information about the expert:
- Full name: Agzhanbaeva Aliya
- Country: Republic of Kazakhstan
- Organization: Financial Monitoring Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Education: Bachelor's Degree
- Specialization: Finance
- Expert area: Experience of participation in mutual evaluations of national AML/CFT systems; Experience of participation in conducting NRA of ML/TF.
- Language skills: Russian - fluent; English - intermediate.
- Brief description of experience in the AML/CFT field: Experience in AML/CFT since April 6, 2015. Development of regulatory legal acts in the field of AML/CFT. In 2015-2016, participated in the preparation of the Mutual Evaluation Report of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the framework of removal from the monitoring procedures. Made a significant contribution to the organization and implementation of the national ML/TF risk assessment in 2017 and 2021. She ensured the development of the Methodology and Rules for ML/TF NRA, coordinated the activities of working groups for the preparation of the NRA report, ensured the development and adoption of the Plan to mitigate the identified risks, as well as control over its implementation. Provided training to specialists of state authorities and the private sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the assessment under Immediate Outcome 1. Participated in a project to assess regional ML/TF risks, developed recommendations for conducting sectoral ML/TF risk assessments, as well as in a study of the availability of information on NPOs.
Brief information about the expert:
- Full name: Barikenov Esen
- Country: Republic of Kazakhstan
- Organization: Financial Monitoring Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Education: Specialist degree, Master's Degree
- Specialization: Finance
- Expert area: Experience of participation in mutual evaluations of national AML/CFT systems; Experience of participation in conducting NRA of ML/TF; Experience in FIU, in particular, analysis of STRs and financial transactions, as well as preparation of analytical reports; Experience in law enforcement authorities; Experience in international cooperation (including FIU, law enforcement or supervisory authorities).
- Language skills: Russian - fluent; English - limited.
- Brief description of experience in the AML/CFT field: In the period from 2007-2014, he gained considerable experience in the banking sphere, acquired skills and ability to work with banking products and operational systems of banks. Since 2014, he has been working in the AML/CFT sphere - FIU of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Started working as an expert of the analytical department on AML/CFT and extremism. During the time of work also gained sufficient AML experience (2017-2019).
Since January 2023, he acts as deputy head of the department of financial monitoring in the CFT field, drug trafficking and PF. During his employment with the FIU, he developed rules for operational and tactical analysis, a government decree approving the rules for providing STRs to FMS, typologies on TF, drug trafficking and PF, methodological recommendations on the use of TFS for FMS, coordinated work on the development of an interagency order on interaction between law enforcement and special state agencies with the FIU and other bylaws in the AML/CFT sphere. As an analyst in the structural subdivisions (AML and CFT) of the FIU, he directly performed analysis of STRs, financial transactions, visualization of financial relations of the subjects of analysis using analytical tools of Oracle usiness Intelligence and IBM I2, prepared analytical reports, conclusions and hypotheses with signs of ML and TF.
Analytical materials sent to law enforcement agencies contribute to the identification and suppression of illegal activities of criminal groups in the field of TF (extremism) and drug trafficking. Since 2020, he participated in the formation of the Mutual Evaluation Report of the Republic of Kazakhstan section of the national risk assessment of TF/PF and in the sectoral risk assessment of NPOs. Since the beginning of preparatory work for the second round of the EAG Mutual Evaluation for compliance with the FATF international standards, he was included in the list of Financial Monitoring Advisors in order to provide methodological assistance to state bodies in completing questionnaires on technical compliance and effectiveness. During the on-site mission of the EAG assessors he demonstrated the implementation of the FATF Standards (Rec. 5, 6, 7 and 8), the work on compliance and implementation of TFS for TF/PF and the effectiveness of the national AML/CFT system on IO 6 (regarding TF), IO 9, 10 and 11.
Brief information about the expert:
- Full name: Akhmetkerey Balkenje
- Country: Republic of Kazakhstan
- Organization: Financial Monitoring Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Education: Specialist degree, Master's Degree
- Specialization: Law
- Expert area: Experience of participation in mutual evaluations of national AML/CFT systems; Experience of participation in conducting NRA of ML/TF; Experience in FIU, in particular, analysis of STRs and financial transactions, as well as preparation of analytical reports.
- Language skills: Russian - fluent; English - intermediate.
- Brief description of experience in the AML/CFT field: More than 10 years of AML/CFT experience. During this period, she worked in various FIU divisions: work with the entities of financial monitoring, explaining the requirements of the FATF standards, AML/CFT legislation, providing feedback, etc.; methodological management on implementation of the FATF standards, strategic analysis and risk assessment department.
Currently, she is the Head of the International Department of the Agency. During this period, she coordinated and directly participated in 2 mutual evaluations of EAG of Kazakhstan in 2011 and 2023 and was responsible for preparation of reports on national ML/TF risk assessment. She made proposals on improvement of AML/CFT legislation, including internal control rules for the FMS. Participated in the development of the methodology for the national ML/TF risk assessment.
Since 2022, she has been the co-chair of the EAG Working Group on Technical Assistance. In June 2022, successfully completed an online training course on FATF standards in Busan, South Korea. She has about 10 publications in academic journals on AML/CFT issues.
Brief information about the expert:
- Full name: Lesbekov Gabit
- Country: Republic of Kazakhstan
- Organization: Financial Monitoring Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Education: Academic degree
- Specialization: Finance
- Expert area: Experience of participation in mutual evaluations of national AML/CFT systems; Experience of participation in conducting NRA of ML/TF; Experience in FIU, in particular, analysis of STRs and financial transactions, as well as preparation of analytical reports; Experience in supervisory authorities, in particular in conducting on-site AML/CFT inspections; Experience in international cooperation (including FIU, law enforcement or supervisory authorities).
- Language skills: Russian - fluent; English - intermediate.
- Brief description of experience in the AML/CFT field: Participated in the National Risk Assessment of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2021, as well as in the preparation and conduct of the mutual evaluation of Kazakhstan in 2023.
Brief information about the expert:
- Full name: Mukasheva Ardak Akylbekovna
- Country: Republic of Kazakhstan
- Organization:
- Education: Speciality, Master's degree
- Specialization: Finance
- Expert area: Experience of participation in mutual evaluation of national AML/CFT systems; Experience of participation in conducting ML/TF NRA.
- Language skills: Russian - fluent; English - intermediate.
- Brief description of experience in the AML/CFT field: Participated in the work on drawing up the National Risk Assessment of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as preparation and carrying out of the mutual assessment of Kazakhstan. Actively participated in EAG events (Forums, Olympiads, competitions, seminars) held by EAG. Experience in organising AML/CFT and Compliance system in the banks of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Brief information about the expert:
- Full name: Smekenov Bakyt
- Country: Republic of Kazakhstan
- Organization: National Bank of Kazakhstan
- Education: Speciality, Master's degree
- Specialization: Finance
- Expert area: Experience of participation in mutual evaluation of national AML/CFT systems; Experience of participation in conducting ML/TF NRA
- Language skills: Russian - ; English - .
- Brief description of experience in the AML/CFT field: Participated in the national ML/TF risk assessment of the Republic of Kazakhstan and in the implementation of measures to minimise ML/TF risks, as well as in the Regional Risk Assessment of the Eurasian region as an EAG expert. Participated in the mutual evaluation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Actively participated in the EAG working groups.
Brief information about the expert:
- Full name: Brendan Lawlor
- Country: Ireland
- Organization: Independent Consultant with the Council of Europe
- Education: Specialist's or Master's degree
- Specialization: Strategic management
- Expert area: «Experience of participation in mutual evaluations of national AML/CFT systems»; Experience of participation in conducting NRA of ML/TF; Experience in supervisory authorities, in particular in conducting on-site AML/CFT inspections; Experience in international cooperation (including FIU, law enforcement or supervisory authorities).
- Language skills: Russian - Limited; English - Fluent.
- Brief description of experience in the AML/CFT field: 1. AML/CFT expert with the Council of Europe. Recent short term projects include: developing AML guidance for industry; sectoral risk assessment; training for supervisors of DNFBP on risk based supervision; review of coordination measures between Central Bank and FIU. 2. Head of AML/CFT Supervision at the Central Bank of Ireland. Responsibility for designing and implementing risk based supervision for financial services sector; developing industry guidance and managing outreach with industry; preparing sectoral risk assessments and providing input into the national risk assessment. 3.Head of AML/CFT at Citibank Ireland. Responsibility for risk assessment; investigation of suspicious activities, filing reports and liaising with the FIU; implementation of AML/CFT compliance programme as per legislation and group policies.
Brief information about the expert:
- Full name: Balabekov Askar
- Country: Republic of Kazakhstan
- Organization: The Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Regulation and Development of Financial Market
- Education: Bachelor's Degree
- Specialization: Finance
- Expert area: Experience of participation in mutual evaluation of national AML/CFT systems; Experience of participation in conducting ML/TF NRA; Experience in supervisory authorities, in particular in conducting on-site AML/CFT inspections; Experience in international cooperation (including FIU, law enforcement or supervisory authorities).
- Language skills: Russian - fluent; English - intermediate.
- Brief description of experience in the AML/CFT field: More than 16 years of experience in the financial market: 8 years of them in large commercial banks of Kazakhstan, more than 7 years in the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Regulation and Development of Financial Market - the financial regulator of the country. Experience in automation of AML/CFT processes in commercial structures and supervisory authority, as well as in conducting inspections of financial organisations. Experience of implementation of international standards on AML/CFT in the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Lecturer at the QAZAQ PROFI Training Centre.
Brief information about the expert:
- Full name: Shagdarov Maxat
- Country: Republic of Kazakhstan
- Organization: The Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Regulation and Development of Financial Market
- Education: Speciality, Master's degree
- Specialization: Finance
- Expert area: Experience of participation in mutual evaluation of national AML/CFT systems; Experience of participation in conducting ML/TF NRA; Experience in supervisory authorities, in particular in conducting on-site AML/CFT inspections; Experience in international cooperation (including FIU, law enforcement or supervisory authorities).
- Language skills: Russian - fluent; English - intermediate.
- Brief description of experience in the AML/CFT field: More than 14 years of experience in AML/CFT 1. in commercial banks: implementation of AML/CFT legislative requirements, preparation of internal regulatory documents, automation of processes, including development of RBA mechanism, interaction with state authorities. 2. in supervisory bodies: implementation of international standards into national legislation, participation in NRAs, development of methodology on RBS, automation of RBS processes, participation in the 2nd round of Mutual Evaluations, conducting inspections of financial monitoring subjects, development of typologies/schemes of ML/TF. 3. ACAMS certificate (member of the Association), FATF certificates ( on FATF standards), national AML/CFT trainer at the Compliance Academy, international expert of the UNODC.
Brief information about the expert:
- Full name: Akhmadaliev Khurshid
- Country: Republic of Uzbekistan
- Organization: Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan
- Education: Bachelor's degree
- Specialization: Law enforcement
- Expert area: Experience of participation in mutual evaluations of national AML/CFT systems; Experience of participation in conducting NRA of ML/TF; Experience in FIU, in particular, analysis of STRs and financial transactions, as well as preparation of analytical reports; Experience in law enforcement authorities, including: conducting investigations related to money laundering and financial crimes
- Language skills: Russian - fluent; English - intermediate.
- Brief description of experience in the AML/CFT field: Currently, I conduct teaching and research activities at the Law Enforcement Academy in the field of combating economic crimes and AML/CFT, previously worked in the prosecutor's office, including the FIU. The total experience in the AML/CFT field is 19 years, including experience in operational work, analytical activities in the FIU, conducting seminars and trainings for law enforcement and supervisory authorities, as well as reporting entities. Coordinated preparation AML/CFT system of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the EAG mutual evaluation on Immediate Outcomes 9,10,11. Prepared information and defending a position within the framework of the follow-up report of the Republic of Uzbekistan 2023 on Recommendations 6,7. Participated in the mutual evaluations and follow-up reports of EAG Member States as expert-assessor. Participated in the national ML/TF risk assessment in 2019 and 2023. Participated in implementation of the requirements of international standards, development of regulatory legal acts, as well as internal documents in the AML/CFT field. Carried out the typological project as part of the work on updating the typological research of the EAG. Participated in the UNODC/OSCE project on the training of national trainers on CFT issues. Available certificate of «Certified Anti-Money Laundering Professional (CAMP)».

Brief information about the expert:
- Full name: Goce Trajkovski
- Country: North Macedonia
- Organization: National bank of the Republic of North Macedonia
- Education: Academic degree
- Specialization: Finance
- Expert area: Experience of participation in conducting NRA of ML/TF; Experience in supervisory authorities, in particular in conducting on-site AML/CFT inspections; Experience in international cooperation (including FIU, law enforcement or supervisory authorities).
- Language skills: Russian - Limited; English - Fluent.
- Brief description of experience in the AML/CFT field: National bank representative in Macedonian delegation at the Council of Europe – Moneyval; National bank representative in process of harmonization of Macedonian legislation with the European Union acquis communautaire; Former coordinator and currently actively engaged in the process of preparation of the National AML/CFT Risk Assessment of the country for the financial sector; National bank representative in process of preparation of the National AML/CFT strategy of North Macedonia; AML/CFT supervision on banks, savings houses, money transfer providers and exchange offices Development of internal On-site supervisory procedures for ML/TF risk Continuing professional development by visiting, organizing and teaching at internal and external trainings Involvement in the process of developing of Annual Supervision plan for On-site Supervision Department; Performance of a regular, extraordinary and unannounced supervision controls; Preparation of supervisory reports Lecturer at events organized by the National bank of the Republic of North Macedonia, ABIT,, Council of Europe, consultancy companies etc. Visiting professor at ABIT.
Brief information about the expert:
- Full name: Shatskikh Sergey
- Country: Russian Federation
- Organization: Individual
- Education: Academic degree
- Specialization: Finance
- Expert area: Experience of participating in mutual evaluation of national AML/CFT systems; Experience of participating in ML/TF NRAs; Experience of working for the FIU, in particular analysing STRs and financial transactions and preparing analytical reports; Experience of working with law enforcement agencies; Experience of working with supervisory agencies, in particular experience in conducting AML/CFT-related on-site inspections; Experience of working in international co-operation (including with the FIU, law enforcement or supervisory agency).
- Language skills: Russian - fluent; English - intermediate.
- Brief description of experience in the AML/CFT field: Organising and carrying out contact inspections of banks on AML/CFT issues and banking supervision (Bank of Russia, Inspectorate, since 2010); - Organising and carrying out remote AML/CFT supervision of banks and non-credit financial institutions, applying measures to the supervised (Financial Monitoring and Currency Control Department of the Bank of Russia, since 2014); -- Development of the concept and tools for risk-based AML/CFT supervision of the Bank of Russia based on the risk profile of a financial institution; - Development of methodology and tools for assessing ML/TF risks at the national and sectoral levels (co-chairman of the interdepartmental ad hoc working group); - Participation in the preparation and mutual evaluation of the national AML/CFT system of Russia by FATF experts.
Brief information about the expert:
- Full name: Kantzer Dmitry
- Country: Russian Federation
- Organization: Rosfinmonitoring
- Education: Speciality, Master's degree
- Specialization: Law
- Expert area: Experience in ML/TF NRAs; FIU experience, in particular analysing STRs and financial transactions and preparing analytical reports; Experience in international co-operation (including with FIU, law enforcement or supervisory authority); Other
- Language skills: Russian - fluent; English - intermediate.
- Brief description of experience in the AML/CFT field: Participated in the development of methodological approaches and the direct carrying out by the Russian Federation of the national ML/TF/PF risk assessment: development of questionnaires, conducting surveys of AML/CFT/CPF system participants, collection, systematisation and analysis of various types of information indicating the presence and magnitude of ML/TF threats, vulnerabilities and risks (current legislation, strategic and interagency documents, results of control (supervisory) activities, reports of international organisations, crime statistics). Participated in the preparation and interagency coordination of reports on ML/TF NRAs. Ensured the development and approval at the national level of a plan to minimise ML/TF risks identified as a result of the NRA, as well as monitoring its implementation. Regularly assesses draft regulatory legal acts of various levels for their impact on the level of identified ML/TF risks. Directly participates in the development and implementation of measures aimed at minimising risks, as well as the implementation of international AML/CFT/CPF standards. Participates as a speaker in AML/CFT training seminars for representatives of competent authorities of the Russian Federation and foreign countries.
Brief information about the expert:
- Full name: Shevliakov Evgeny
- Country: Russian Federation
- Organization: Rosfinmonitoring
- Education: Speciality, Master's degree
- Specialization: Master of Management with knowledge of foreign languages
- Expert area: Experience of participating in mutual evaluation of national AML/CFT systems; Experience of participating in ML/TF NRAs; Experience of working with the FIU, in particular analysing STRs and financial transactions and preparing analytical reports; Experience of working in international cooperation (including with the FIU, law enforcement or supervisory authority); Other
- Language skills: Russian - fluent; English - fluent.
- Brief description of experience in the AML/CFT field: One of the coordinators of the Russian Federation's national ML/TF risk assessment process (2018 and 2022 reports). Builds the work on strategic analysis and risk assessment, including the development of methodological documents and interaction with Rosfinmonitoring units, other Russian government bodies and competent authorities of other countries. In 2018-2019, participated in the preparation and defence of the Russian Federation's positions in the FATF's mutual evaluation under NR 6-7 and related recommendations. Has been working on the EAG area since 2018. Within the framework of competence, builds the work of the Russian ‘anti-money laundering’ system to identify and assess threats to national security in the established sphere of activity and related ML/TF/PF risks - in this regard, coordinates the process of conducting typologies projects under the leadership (or with the participation) of the Russian Federation. Repeatedly took an active part in events (seminars, forums, etc.) on the EAG activities. Evgeny Shevliakov trains representatives of competent authorities of the EAG countries on methodological and practical issues of implementation of the risk-oriented approach at the national level.
Brief information about the expert:
- Full name: Semenov Evgeny
- Country: Russian Federation
- Organization: Rosfinmonitoring
- Education: Speciality, Master's degree
- Specialization: Finance
- Experience of participating in mutual evaluation of national AML/CFT systems; Experience of participating in ML/TF NRAs; Experience of working with the FIU, in particular analysing STRs and financial transactions and preparing analytical reports; Experience of working in international cooperation (including with the FIU, law enforcement or supervisory authority); Other
- Language skills: Russian - fluent; English - intermediate.
- Brief description of experience in the AML/CFT field: The main developer and coordinator of the Russian Federation's national ML/TF risk assessment process (2018 and 2022 reports), including as part of the development of the ML/TF NRA Methodology, organising the collection and analysis of statistical and other data to identify ML/TF threats, vulnerabilities and risks, systematising and analysing a significant amount of heterogeneous data, preparing ML/TF NRA reports and finalising them with government authorities as part of interagency coordination; developing and adopting the national ML/TF Minimisation Plan for the Russian Federation. In 2018-2019, participated in the preparation and defence of the Russian Federation's positions in the FATF mutual evaluation under IO 1 and related Recommendations. He has been working on the EAG platform since 2014. Under his leadership, he conducted a typological study on the mechanisms of inclusion and de-listing of individuals on the Terrorist List. Regularly participated in the EAG Plenary meetings and thematic events in this area (forums, seminars, etc.). In 2021, under the leadership of Evgeny Semenov and with the support of the EAG Secretariat, the first supranational assessment of ML/TF risks in the history of the EAG was conducted on the basis of a specially developed methodology, taking into account the best international practices. Based on the results of the supranational ML/TF risk assessment, an international Action Plan to minimise the identified risks was developed and adopted by all EAG Member States in 2022, which is currently being implemented (about half of all items have already been implemented). The results of this work are highly demanded by the Member States and allow to improve the quality of international interaction, as well as the efficiency of each of the participating countries. The methodology used, as well as the conclusions obtained, have been recognised by the FATF and other regional groups of its type. Evgeny Semenov regularly trains representatives of competent authorities of the EAG Member States on methodological and practical issues of national ML/TF risk assessment and implementation of the risk-based approach at the national level. Since 2021, Evgeny Semenov has been the co-chair of the WGTYP. Together with the EAG Secretariat and other co-chairs (representatives of the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Kyrgyz Republic) he ensured improvement of the work of the WGTYP in order to improve the quality of the conducted typology projects, interest of the Member States in their implementation and use in practical activities at the national and international level, as well as to ensure systematisation of the obtained results according to various criteria for further use in the work of different categories of participants of the national and international typology projects. The approaches proposed by Evgeny Semenov were highly appreciated and endorsed by delegations. Evgeny Semenov is a certified expert-evaluator of the EAG, in 2021-2022 took part in the mutual evaluation of the Republic of Kazakhstan (in terms of verification of technical compliance with Recommendations 1, 2, 6, 7, 33 and 34). The conclusions made by him were taken into account when checking the effectiveness of the AML/CFT system and preparing the final report on the mutual evaluation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which according to the results of the above-mentioned verification activities was included in the top three countries of the EAG, placed on regular monitoring.
Brief information about the expert:
- Full name: Sharapova Svetlana
- Country: Russian Federation
- Organization: Rosfinmonitoring
- Education: Speciality, Master's degree
- Specialization: Law
- Expert area: Experience in the FIU, in particular analysing STRs and financial transactions and preparing analytical reports; Experience in international co-operation (including with an FIU, law enforcement or supervisory agency)
- Language skills: Russian - fluent; English - fluent.
- Brief description of experience in the AML/CFT field: Main areas of activity: - interaction with foreign FIUs and international organisations on issues of bilateral and multilateral cooperation of Rosfinmonitoring; - participation in international AML/CFT events as a member of the Russian delegation; - preparation of reference and analytical materials on issues of Rosfinmonitoring's core international cooperation; - participation and holding of training/expert events, participation in international fora; - qualified written translation of AML/CFT materials into Russian, English and French.
Brief information about the expert:
- Full name: Seilov Yerlan
- Country: Republic of Kazakhstan
- Organization: Agency for Regulation and Development of the Financial Market of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Education: Speciality, Master's degree
- Specialization: Finance
- Expert area: Experience of participating in the mutual evaluation of national AML/CFT systems; Experience of participating in ML/TF NRAs; Experience of working with supervisory authorities, in particular experience in AML/CFT-related on-site inspections; Experience of international cooperation (including with the FIU, law enforcement or supervisory authority).
- Language skills: Russian - fluent; English - intermediate.
- Brief description of experience in the AML/CFT field: Experience in AML/CFT since 2010. Participated in the development and implementation of compliance and AML/CFT system of financial organizations, automation of AML/CFT procedures, headed the risk management and compliance division of financial organizations. Since 2016, I have been working in the field of state regulation and supervision of financial organizations. I participated in the development of AML/CFT legislation, implementation of FATF standards, development of ML/TF typologies and schemes, conducting inspections of financial organizations, interaction with other government agencies, foreign and international regulators on AML/CFT issues.
Brief information about the expert:
- Full name: Мamyrov Talantbek
- Country: Kyrgyz Republic
- Organization: Independent Expert
- Education: Speciality, Master's degree
- Specialization: Law enforcement
- Expert area: Experience of participating in the mutual evaluation of national AML/CFT systems; Experience of participating in ML/TF NRAs; Experience of working in law enforcement agencies; Experience of supporting the state prosecution in criminal cases; Experience of working in the field of prosecutor's supervision of pre-trial proceedings in criminal cases, materials and OID, as well as the legality of criminal proceedings in courts, the validity and legality of court decisions in criminal cases; Experience of working in supervisory bodies, in particular experience in conducting on-site inspections related to AML/CFT; Experience in international co-operation (including with FIU, law enforcement or supervisory authority)
- Language skills: Russian - fluent; English - intermediate.
- Brief description of experience in the AML/CFT field: From 2012 to 2025 was a permanent member of the working group of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Kyrgyz Republic - Government Expert on the implementation of international obligations of the Kyrgyz Republic in the framework of the implementation of the UN Convention against Corruption, as well as on the implementation of the recommendations of the Istanbul Action Plan on Combating Corruption in the framework of the international organisation OECD, as well as participated in the 2nd round of mutual evaluation of the AML/CFT system of Kyrgyzstan, conducted by the EAG in 2017-2018. He was responsible for Immediate Outcome 2 and Recommendations 37-39 of the EAG. From 2013 to 2025 was a member of the interagency working group headed by the General Prosecutor's Office of the Kyrgyz Republic on the search and recovery of stolen assets. He has significant practical and theoretical experience in the field of search, seizure and recovery of stolen assets. He has successful practical experience in the return of criminal assets from a foreign country to the Kyrgyz Republic. He is the developer and co-author of the Guidelines on Mutual Legal Assistance aimed at improving the efficiency of investigation of money laundering cases, as well as search and return of assets confiscated in foreign countries’.
Brief information about the expert:
- Full name: Ponamorenko Vladislav
- Country: Russian Federation
- Education: Speciality, Master's degree
- Specialization: Law
- Expert area: Experience in international co-operation (including in FIU, law enforcement or supervisory agency)
- Language skills: Russian - fluent; English - intermediate.
- Brief description of experience in the AML/CFT field: Advisor of the Department of Educational, Methodological and Research Projects of the ITMCFM (2012), Head of the Financial Monitoring Centre of the VAVT of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia (2018-2022), Speaker at the EAG Plenary Weeks (Consultations with the private sector, 2014-2015), More than 30 scientific articles on AML/CFT issues. Approbation of the results obtained during the PhD thesis at the Financial Policy Department of the EEC and ITMCFM. Training of personnel for the national antitrust system: academic supervisor of the Master's programme ‘International Corporate Compliance and Business Ethics’ (Higher School of Law of the National Research University Higher School of Economics) (2022-current); academic supervisor of the Master's programme ‘Lawyer in International Finance’ (Higher School of Economics) (2024-current). Teaching AML/CFT and compliance disciplines (including author's) at the Higher School of Economics, Higher School of Economics, Moscow State Institute of International Relations, MGIMO, Financial University. Regular seminars for FIUs and other state authorities of EAG countries on the topics: ‘Legal Regulation of Digital Assets at the International Level and in National Jurisdictions in the Light of Improving the Effectiveness of National AML/CFT Systems’; “Conceptual and Methodological Basis for Training of AML/CFT Specialists in the Eurasian Region” (as an expert of the ITMCFM, 2018-present). Invited lecturer of Rosfinmonitoring on the topic ‘Digital asset market in Russia: peculiarities of regulation, compliance issues’ (2024-present). Executor of ITMCFM technical assistance projects for EAG Member States: 1. Development of educational programmes on financial monitoring for the Kyrgyz Republic and the Republic of Kazakhstan’ (2018). Implemented for B.N. Yeltsin KRSU, Law Enforcement Academy of the RK, Buketov KarGU, Financial Academy of the RK. 2. Development of country sections of the training manual ‘Features of national AML/CFT systems of the states of the Eurasian region’’ (2018-2025). Textbooks on national AML/CFT systems of Kazakhstan (2018), Kyrgyzstan (2018), Uzbekistan (2022), Tajikistan (2023), Turkmenistan (2024) have been issued. Other research projects: 1.Member of the team of executors on the R&D ‘Evaluation of the results of the 1st stage of the Concept of formation of the common financial market of the EAEU until 2025’ (section in terms of harmonisation of AML/CFT legislation) (customer - Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, 2024). 2. Member of the team of executors of the research work ‘Development of approaches to the creation of a common scientific and educational space within the EAEU’ (in terms of the experience of functioning of International Network AML/CFT Institute (INI)) (customer - Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, 2024).
Brief information about the expert:
- Full name: Pigildin Dmitry
- Country: Russian Federation
- Organization: Individual
- Education: Speciality, Master's degree
- Specialization: Finance
- Expert area: Experience in law enforcement; Experience in international co-operation (including FIU, law enforcement or supervisory agency).
- Language skills: Russian - fluent; English - intermediate.
- Brief description of experience in the AML/CFT field: More than 15 years of serving in law enforcement agencies. Involved in solving cybercrimes ranging from drug trafficking in the online segment to complex schemes of money laundering through anonymous services and DarkNet platforms. I participated in co-operation with Russian government authorities in developing strategic approaches to regulating the virtual assets market and countering their use in criminal activities. I have extensive experience as a speaker at AML/CFT trainings, seminars and lectures for law enforcement officers organised by UNODC, OSCE, ITMCFM and relevant academic institutions. As a member of a working group, he participated in the creation of methodological recommendations for law enforcement officers on solving crimes involving virtual assets. Extensive practical experience in co-operation with blockchain experts from the private sector, as well as with foreign colleagues in uncovering international schemes related to money laundering using virtual assets.
Brief information about the expert:
- Full name: Desyatkin Valentin
- Country: Russian Federation
- Organization: LLC CIFCOM
- Education: Speciality, Master's degree
- Specialization: Law
- Expert area: Other
- Language skills: Russian - fluent; English - fluent.
- Brief description of experience in the AML/CFT field: I have significant professional experience in blockchain analytics, as well as conducting complex blockchain investigations related to theft, fraud and other information security incidents. As part of his work, he has prepared numerous legal reports, analyses and methodological recommendations on legal application and compliance issues. In my professional practice, I actively co-operated with law enforcement and supervisory authorities in terms of reporting and timely exchange of information. I have also developed standards and internal procedures for combating money laundering and other types of financial crime that comply with applicable laws and international standards (FATF, AML/CFT). My experience covers not only detailed blockchain investigations of theft and fraud incidents, but also the establishment of comprehensive internal control and compliance systems in line with international best practices.
Brief information about the expert:
- Full name: Ivanov Fedor
- Country: Russian Federation
- Organization: JSC SHARD Moscow
- Education: Speciality, Master's degree
- Specialization: Law
- Expert area: Experience of participating in the mutual evaluation of national AML/CFT systems; Experience of participating in ML/TF NRAs; Experience of working for the FIU, in particular analysing STRs and financial transactions and preparing analytical reports; Experience of working for supervisory authorities, in particular experience in conducting AML/CFT-related on-site inspections; Experience of international co-operation (including with the FIU, law enforcement or supervisory authority).
- Language skills: Russian - fluent; English - fluent.
- Brief description of experience in the AML/CFT field: 2008-2022 - Department of the Federal Financial Monitoring Service for the North-West Federal District; 2020-2022 - Participation in the mutual evaluation of the Republic of Uzbekistan; 2022 - present - Director of Analytics at SHARD, a Russian AML operator specialising in AML/CFT/CPF assessment of digital currencies in public blockchain networks.
Brief information about the expert:
- Full name:
- Country:
- Organization:
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- Language skills: Russian - ; English - .
- Brief description of experience in the AML/CFT field: