General information

General information

FATF-style regional bodies (FSRBs) conduct mutual evaluations in which the national AML/CFT regimes of the member states are assessed for conformity to international standards.

Mutuality means that representatives of all the member states of the FSRB evaluate the other member states one-by-one according to the evaluation schedule.

The International Monetary Fund also conducts these evaluations, as do the World Bank and the FATF.

The system of mutual evaluations is based on the FATF special Methodology, which was approved in 2004 and then changed and expanded in 2013.

The Methodology reproduces the main principles specified in the FATF 40 Recommendations and takes into account the generalized international experience in the sphere of AML/TF.

The Eurasian group on combating money laundering and financing of terrorism acknowledges the results of the mutual evaluations conducted by the FATF, other FSRBs, the IMF and the World Bank, and takes them into account within the framework of its own evaluations.

Schedule of the 3rd round of EAG mutual evaluations

Member State

End of monitoring under the current round

Submission of TC

On-site visit

Approval of the mutual evaluation report

Kyrgyz Republic


November 2023

December 2025

June-August 2026

May 2027

People's Republic of China

January 2024

November 2025

June 2026

February 2027

Republic of Tajikistan

November 2024

August 2026

March 2027

November 2027

Republic of Belarus

November 2025

August 2027

March 2028

November 2028

Russian Federation

November 2026

August 2028

March 2029

November 2029


November 2027

August 2029

March 2030

November 2030

Republic of India

January 2028

August 2029

June 2030

February 2031

Republic of Uzbekistan

November 2028

August 2030

March 2031

November 2031


November 2029

August 2031

March 2032

November 2032