18 September 2009
The Kyrgyzstani FIU and law enforcement staff received AML/CFT training
The training was organized by the ITMCFM and UNODC on September 16-17 in Osh (Kyrgyz Republic) and was held as part of the Global AML program
14 September 2009
The Uzbekistani FIU staff received AML/CFT training organized by the World Bank/UNODC
The training, carried out by the World Bank/UNODC in cooperation with the Uzbekistani General Prosecutor’s Office, OSCE, ADB and EAG, took place in Tashkent on September 8-10, 2009
11 September 2009
The EAG Deputy Chairman Valery Yaroshevsky participated in the CCACD meeting
The meeting of the Coordinating council of the heads of the competent authorities on combating drug trafficking (CCACD) of the member states of the Collective security treaty organization (CSTO) took place in the Kyrgyz Republic, on September 10
01 September 2009
Kazakhstan adopts AML/CFT legislation
The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbaev signed the Law “On Counteracting Legalization (Laundering) of Ill-gotten Proceeds and Terrorist Financing”
29 June 2009
EAG took part in the FATF Working group meetings and Plenary session which was held June 22-26, 2009 in Lyon, France
In the framework of the meetings the following key issues were discussed: 1. Enhancing international AML/CFT cooperation in order to identify non-cooperative/ high risks jurisdictions; 2. Interim FATF report to the G20 on the consequences of the global financial and economic crisis for AML/CFT; 3. Global threat assessment of trends and typologies of money laundering and terrorist financing
18 June 2009
Concept of EAG uniform information space approved
The concept of uniform information space of the Eurasian Group on combating money laundering and financing of terrorism (EAG) approved, the statement of the Eurasian Group on combating money laundering and financing of terrorism, following the results of the 10th plenary session taken place on 10 -11 June in St. Petersburg, Russia