
Mr. Yury Chikhanchin (Russia)
  • The EAG Chairman is approved for a period of two years by a decision of the Plenary. The candidates for the position of the President shall be nominated by the delegations of the Member States. 

    The Chairman leads the Plenary meetings and represents EAG in its external relations. At the beginning of each chairmanship, the Chair will propose a biennial Action Plan (priorities) for approval by the Plenary.

    Mr. Yuri Chikhanchin has been elected EAG Chairman since January 2020. He was re-elected by the 35th Plenary meeting for the period 2022-2023;  by decision of the 39th Plenary meeting he was re-elected for the period 2024-2025.

    Key priorities of the Chairmanship in 2024 - 2025

    Yury Chikhanchin (Russia)

    Born June 17, 1951 in Krasnoyarsk, Russia. Graduated from the Siberian Institute of Technology in 1974.
    1974-1978 – foreman/site supervisor/head of production planning at various industrial plants of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
    1978-1994 – employee of the State Security Service of Russia.
    1994-2000 – Head of the Russian Federal Service for Currency and Export Control's East Siberian office.
    2000-2002 – Head of the RF Finance Ministry's Currency Control Department.
    2002-2004 – First Deputy Chairman of the Financial Monitoring Committee of the Russian Federation.
    2004­2007 – Deputy Head of the Federal Financial Monitoring Service.
    September 2007-May 2008 – Head of the RF Chairman of the Government Secretariat.
    May 22, 2008 – appointed Head of the Federal Financial Monitoring Service. 
    June 13, 2012 – appointed Director of the Federal Financial Monitoring Service by the President of the Russian Federation.

    Class 1 Full State Councillor, PhD, holder of the honorary title Distinguished Economist of the Russian Federation, recipient of letters of acknowledgment from the President of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation and the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, as well as the recipient of the Class IV and Class III Order for Service to the Motherland, Order of Alexander Nevsky and Order of Honour.

EAG Chairmen from 2004 to 2023