The Secretariat is a permanent working body of the EAG. In its activities the Secretariat is guided by the EAG Agreement of 16 June 2011, the Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Eurasian Group on Combating Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism on the conditions of its stay on the territory of the Russian Federation of 14 February 2012, and the Regulations on the EAG Secretariat.
The Secretariat is formed from the citizens of the EAG Member States.
The location of the Secretariat is Moscow (Russian Federation). The Secretariat has legal rights on the territory of the Russian Federation.
The Secretariat is accountable to the Plenary Meeting and fulfils the following functions:
The Secretariat carries out its financial and economic activities as an independent legal entity, has settlement and other accounts in credit organisations, assigned property, a seal with full name and other requisites of an independent institution.