19 December 2023
FATF Virtual Asset Contact Group Meeting
The regular meeting of the FATF Virtual Assets Contact Group was held on December 11-12 this year. In the course of the event, the progress of the FATF Global Network member countries in implementing the Recommendation 15 and the "roadmap" aimed at accelerating the speed of implementation of its requirements was discussed
11 December 2023
Outcomes of the 39th EAG Plenary meeting
The meetings of the EAG Working Groups and the 39th Plenary Meeting of the Eurasian Group on Combating Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism (EAG) were held in Sanya (The People’s Republic of China) on December 4-8, 2023. The meetings were attended by the representatives of all EAG Member States, the FATF Secretariat as well as the following observers and invited delegations: Armenia, Iran, USA, EDB, EBRD, EEC, NDB, CH FIU CIS, SCO, World Bank, UNODC, Azerbaijan, Hong Kong (China), Luxemburg, Macao (China), UAE, Japan and UNOCT
27 November 2023
EAG Secretariat participates in in the Joint Workshop of the CHFIU/ATC CIS/ITMCFM in Minsk
On November 21-22 in Minsk (Republic of Belarus) a two-day joint workshop "Current Trends in the Global AML/CFT System" was held for representatives of law enforcement agencies and FIUs of the CHFIU member states.
27 November 2023
Workshop for the Supervisory Authorities of the EAG Member States
A workshop for the supervisory authorities of the EAG Member States was held in Minsk (Republic of Belarus) on 23 November 2002
21 November 2023
FATF/FSRBs Secretariat Training Workshop on the Mutual Evaluation Process
From 6 to 10 November, staff of the EAG Secretariat participated in a training workshop for the FATF/FSRBs Secretariats on the mutual evaluation process in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
16 November 2023
Regional Consultation "Countering the Use of Cryptocurrencies for Terrorist Financing" was held
On November 13-14th, 2023 the Regional Consultation on "Countering the Use of Cryptocurrencies to Finance Terrorism" was held in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The Consultation was organized within the framework of the Virtual Assets Initiative under the leadership of UNOCT/UNCCT, EAG and Rosfinmonitoring and is a part of the activities aimed at preparing Recommendations on Virtual Assets and Terrorist Financing for EAG Member States
13 November 2023
EAG Secretariat participates in the Ninth International Scientific and Practical Conference of SCO RATS in Tashkent
On November 7-8, 2023, the Ninth International Scientific and Practical Conference of the SCO RATS "Trust, Cooperation and Professionalism as a Guarantee of a Secure Future" was held in Tashkent (Republic of Uzbekistan).
06 October 2023
The second EAG contest among financial institutions was held
On October 3, 2023 on the margins of the III International Olympiad on Financial Security the EAG Secretariat organized the second Eurasian Group Contest among financial institutions of the EAG member states
04 October 2023
Regional conference: “AML/CFT and New Technologies: New Payment Methods, Virtual Assets and Social Media”
On September 25-29 of this year, the MENAFATF Regional conference on "AML/CFT and New Technologies: New Payment Methods, Virtual Assets and Social Media" was held
03 October 2023
Training course on FATF Standards
On September 25-29 the EAG Secretariat conducted a training course on FATF Standards for EAG Member States