EAG Secretariat participated in the Round Table of the CHFIU

EAG Secretariat participated in the Round Table of the CHFIU
  • 16 September, 2024

    On September 13, 2024 on the basis of Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod the EAG Secretariat participated in the Round Table of the Council of Heads of Financial Intelligence Units of the CIS Member States, organized with the active assistance of the Federal Financial Monitoring Service, on the topic: “Countering the involvement of young people in the financing of illegal activities using modern financial instruments”.

    The participants of the event in the in-person ysical format were more than 100 representatives of the scientific community, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Plenipotentiary Mission of the President, the Government of Nizhny Novgorod region, as well as the private sector. 
    In the online format, representatives of the CIS FIU; Interregional Departments of Rosfinmonitoring; ITMCFM; private sector and scientific and educational institutions of the International Network AML/CFT Institute participated in the event. In total, more than 5000 people from more than 10 foreign countries (Armenia, Belarus, Brazil, China, India, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Peru, Russia, Serbia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Zimbabwe).
    The participants of the Roundtable discussed the use of game currencies, streaming services, crowdfunding, money mules and other new financial instruments. Representatives of the private sector, in particular the Association of Russian Banks, took an active part in the discussion.
    Representatives of the FIUs of the CIS countries demonstrated the current practice of countering the use of virtual assets for criminal purposes, including the involvement of young people in illegal activities, and highlighted the national experience of legislative regulation in this area.

    The EAG Secretariat made a presentation on “The practice of regulation by the global network of the use of modern instruments in the financing of illegal activities”.