The Forum of Supervisors and the meeting of the International Compliance Council took place

The Forum of Supervisors and the meeting of the International Compliance Council took place
  • 23 May, 2024

    From 24 to 26 April in Nizhny Novgorod with the participation of representatives of the Secretariat and EAG member states the International Scientific and Practical Forum "Actual issues of combating money laundering and terrorism financing" took place. 

    Within the framework of the planned EAG activities there were held the Supervisors Forum and the International Compliance Council meeting, which was attended by about 130 participants from EAG member states and other FATF style regional bodies. 

    The Supervisors Forum focused on enhancing the role of non-financial businesses and professions in the anti-money laundering sphere and strengthening the balance of interests, partnership and trust in the AML/CFT system between the state and the private sector. Two panel discussions focused on the new risks of online technologies, approaches to motivate DNFBPs to work proactively, the principles of subject-centredness and consultative supervision, and the prospects for digital supervision and the introduction of regulatory technologies.

    At the meeting of the International Compliance Council, speakers in the format of a panel discussion shared their experience on public-private partnerships; new technological solutions in compliance; and the development of tools for monitoring the crypto market.  In addition to the panel discussion, the best cases of financial institutions of the Republic of Belarus, the People's Republic of China, the Russian Federation, and the Republic of Tajikistan on financial analysis were heard. The participants selected the case of a payment organisation from China as the best-case study.

    Representatives of the Secretariat participated in the content, moderating and regulating the thematic focus of the events. In addition to the EAG events, the representatives of the EAG member states and the Secretariat staff made presentations at the round tables and conferences held within the framework of the scientific and practical forum, including on the role of international organisations in strengthening AML/CFT/CPF systems and ML/TF risks associated with Islamic finance services.

    EAG Secretariat