13 March, 2025
The Joint Assessors Training for EAG Member States and countries-participants in the Belt and Road initiative took place in the China-IMF Capacity Development Center in Shenzhen (PRC) on March 3-7, 2025. The training was conducted at the initiative of the International Monetary Fund with the support of the EAG Secretariat.
Overall 45 AML/CFT/CPF experts from China, Belarus, Hong Kong (SAR), India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Uzbekistan attended the training.
The trainers from the IMF and EAG Secretariat delivered the training materials of the FATF Secretariat in order to strengthen skills and knowledge in mutual evaluations of national AML/CFT/CPF systems according to the updated FATF Standards.
The training programme includes a review of the procedures for the new round of mutual evaluations, the process of conducting an on-site mission by the assessment team, the implementation of practical exercises on the preparation of the Scoping note, analysis of technical compliance and effectiveness assessment, including mock interviews with representatives of government authorities of the assessed country and discussion of the report at the mock plenary session.
The participants received theoretical knowledge and practical skills of teamwork and discussed the issues of application of the new Methodology for assessing technical compliance with the FATF Recommendations and effectiveness of AML/CFT systems.
The EAG Secretariat will continue its work on training of assessors among the experts from the EAG Member States for the purposes of the forthcoming 3rd round of EAG mutual evaluations, including jointly with the FATF Secretariat and the FATF Training Center.
EAG Secretariat