FATF Guidances
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FATF Guidances
Updated Guidance for a risk-based approach. Virtual assets and virtual asset service providers
(October 2021)
pdf, 3.41 mb
Second 12-month review of the revised FATF Standards on virtual assets and vurtual asset service providers
(July 2021)
pdf, 2.39 mb
Guidance on proliferation financing risk assessment and mitigation
(June 2021)
pdf, 1.69 mb
FATF Guidance on Counter Proliferation Financing – The Implementation of Financial Provisions of United Nations Security Council Resolutions to Counter the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction
pdf, 1.45 mb
Guidance on Risk-based supervision
(March 2021)
pdf, 4.82 mb
Criminalising Terrorist Financing (Recommendation 5)
(October 2016)
pdf, 1.64 mb
Guidance on AML/CFT-related data and statistics
(October 2015)
pdf, 1.3 mb
FATF Guidance. Correspondent Banking Services
(October 2016)
pdf, 1.92 mb
Guidance for a Risk-Based approach. Money or Value Transfer Services
(February 2016)
pdf, 3.26 mb
Guidance for a Risk-Based approach. Virtual currencies
(June 2015)
pdf, 607.06 kb
Guidance for a Risk-Based approach. Effective supervision and enforcement by AML/CFT supervisors of the Financial sector and Law enforcement
(October 2015)
pdf, 593.34 kb
Guidance for a Risk-Based approach. The Banking sector
(October 2014)
pdf, 1.36 mb
FATF Guidance. Transparency and Beneficial ownership
(October 2014)
pdf, 1.19 mb
FATF Guidance. The Implementation of Financial Provisions of United Nationa Security Council Resolutions to Counter the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction
(June 2013)
pdf, 499.96 kb
Guidance for a Risk-Based approach. Prepaid cards, Mobile payments and Internet-based payment Service
(June 2013)
pdf, 1.07 mb
FATF Guidance. Politically Exposed Persons (Recommendations 12 and 22)
(June 2013)
pdf, 957.12 kb
National Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Risk Assessment
(February 2013)
pdf, 618.57 kb
FATF Report. Operational Issues Financial Investigations Guidance
(June 2012)
pdf, 1.42 mb
FATF Report. Risk-Based approach. Guidance for the Life Insurance Sector
(October 2009)
pdf, 655.85 kb
Guidance on the application of the risk-based approach in the money-services sector
(July 2009)
pdf, 3.96 kb
Handbook for countries and assessors
pdf, 922.86 kb
RBA Guidance for Legal Professionals
(October 2008)
pdf, 293.28 kb
RBA Guidance for Casinos
(October 2008)
pdf, 210.75 kb
RBA Guidance for Trust and Companies Service Providers (TCSPs)
(June 2008)
pdf, 192.9 kb
RBA Guidance for real Estate Agents
(June 2008)
pdf, 181.8 kb
Guidance on the Risk-Based approach to Combating Money laundering and terrorist financing. High Level Principles and Procedures
(June 2007)
pdf, 258.18 kb
RBA Guidance for Accountants
(June 2008)
pdf, 196.29 kb
RBA Guidance for Dealers in Precious Metal and Stones
(June 2008)
pdf, 210.09 kb