18th EAG Plenary meeting to take place in Minsk

18th EAG Plenary meeting to take place in Minsk
  • 17 May, 2013

    On 21-24 May 2013 the 18th EAG Plenary and Working groups meetings will be held in Minsk (Belarus).

    The Plenary meeting will be chaired by the EAG Chairman Mr. Yury Chikchanchin.

    EAG member states representatives as well as experts from EAG countries and international observer organizations will take part in the event. Issues of monitoring on the reulsts of the first round of mutual evaluations of EAG member states and preparation for the second round are on the agenda. Besides, the participants' main attention will be focused on the issues of the FATF current initiatives, including recently adopted FATF Methodolgy on mutual evaluations.

    On 20 May 2013, on the threshold of the EAG Plenary week a joint EAG/Egmont group workshop on experiecne exhange for conducting financial analysis with AML/CFT purpose with the participation of the IT experts from various countries will be held. Issues connected with use of modern methods of data procession, search and procession of unstructured data, scheme visualisation etc are supposed to be discussed.

    The workshop is organized by the international Training and Methodology Centre for Financial Monitoring (Russia).