Trilateral consultations with private sector were held in the framework of the EAG Plenary session

Trilateral consultations with private sector were held in the framework of the EAG Plenary session
  • 08 June, 2009

    Consultations with private sector were held June 8, 2009 in the framework of the 10th EAG Plenary meeting in trilateral format which included participants from Russia, India and China.

    Within the consultations, key risks of money laundering and terrorist financing, specific for the Eurasian region under the conditions of global financial crisis, were discussed.

    The subject was defined by the FATF initiative, approved by the latest FATF Plenary held in February, which is aimed at minimizing the damage of financial crisis on the national economics.

    As a result of the consultations recommendations for private sector were formulated which will be discussed at the EAG Working group meetings and suggested for approval of the 10th EAG Plenary.