The SFIS is hosting meetings of the interagency working group to discuss preparations for the national money laundering and terrorist financing risk assessment (NRA) and develop a national strategy

The SFIS is hosting meetings of the interagency working group to discuss preparations for the national money laundering and terrorist financing risk assessment (NRA) and develop a national strategy
  • 05 February, 2019

    The SFIS is hosting meetings of the interagency working group to discuss preparations for the national money laundering and terrorist financing risk assessment (NRA) and develop a national strategy for mitigating the identified ML/TF risks.

    Meetings of the interagency working group to discuss preparations for the national money laundering and terrorist financing risk assessment (NRA) and develop a national strategy for mitigating the identified ML/TF risks are held from 4 to 8 February 2019 at the State Financial Intelligence Service.

    Meetings of the interagency working group, attended by representatives of 21 Kyrgyz government agencies, are held in pursuance of Article 11 of RK Law No. 87 of August 6, 2018 "On Combating Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing".

    Among other participants in the meetings, sponsored by the EU, are Mr. José Mate, regional representative for the EU Action against Drugs and Organized Crime project, and the international expert T Kolarov.

    State Financial Intelligence Service under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic