Protecting non-profit organisations from terrorist financing abuse and implementation of FATF Recommendation 8

Protecting non-profit organisations from terrorist financing abuse and implementation of FATF Recommendation 8
  • 23 June, 2022

    The EAG Secretariat participated in an awareness raising seminar on "Protection of non-profit organizations from terrorist financing abuse and implementation of FATF Recommendation 8" held on 13-15 June in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic. The event was organised by the UN Counter-Terrorism Office (UNCCT) in partnership with the United Nations Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA) as part of the technical assistance to the Kyrgyz Republic under the project plan developed by the EAG. The first workshop was dedicated to representatives of non-profit organisations (NPOs) based in the Kyrgyz Republic and the second one to competent authorities of the Kyrgyz Republic. 

    International experts shared their knowledge and best practices on the implementation of FATF Recommendation 8, which refers to the requirement for countries to review the compliance of laws and regulations related to NPOs that can be used for terrorist financing. An overview of the results of the EAG mutual evaluation and follow-up reports of the Kyrgyz Republic in relation to NPO issues was also presented. Scenario-based exercise aimed at raising awareness on terrorist financing risks and preventive measures were conducted. 

    During the discussion, a draft NPO sector risk assessment report and draft guidance on risk-based supervision of the sector were presented. 

    Participants agreed to continue an open dialogue to improve cooperation between authorities and NPOs on the implementation of FATF Recommendation 8.

    EAG Secretariat