05 February, 2025
The FATF and EAG Secretariats held the Updated Joint Assessors Training (UJAT) on January 27-29, 2025. The subject of UJAT was the peculiarities of mutual evaluations under the updated FATF Methodology.
The UJAT was attended by 36 AML/CFT/CPF experts from 16 members and secretariats of the FATF, EAG, ESAAMLG, MENAFATF, CFATF and the World Bank. The training was conducted by experts with significant practical experience in AML/CFT/CPF including participation in mutual evaluations of the countries within the FATF Global Network.
The UJAT participants enhanced their theoretical knowledge and practical skills in developing Key Recommended Actions for the assessed countries, which is an innovation in the FATF Methodology and Universal Procedures, and practiced working in a team and drafting recommendations to strengthen national financial systems.
In anticipation of the launch of the third round of mutual evaluations, the EAG plans to organize a series of training events for assessors in 2025, including jointly with the FATF, the IMF and the FATF Training Center.
EAG Secretariat